I feel blessed this week for so many reasons.
Even though its Mother's Day, and the only people I have seen are my nursery class, coworkers and sick patients, I still feel blessed.
I feel blessed that even though I don't have him today, I am a mother to an amazing little boy. Heavenly Father has trusted me with one of his precious children, and its an awesome responsibility. I feel inadequate to do the job on so many levels every single day, but I still find so much joy and happiness in attempting to do it.
I feel blessed this week because for the first time in over 4 months, I haven't been consumed with wondering how my life got to this point. I've had such positive impressions that I need to focus on where do I go from here? How can I make my life be good and whole again? What does Heavenly Father want me to learn from this? And what do I need to do to become who he wants me to be?
I feel blessed because this week I felt an unbelievable outpouring of love and peace from my Heavenly Father. I feel forgiveness and peace about things that have happened. I feel like I've gained a new perspective on my life.
I feel exceptionally blessed to have been raised by the most amazing mother. She is wise and considerate. She has an amazing testimony and love of our Savior. She sets such a great example of the kind of person I want to be. She is always there to give me support and insight, but careful to never try to make up my mind for me. She is there to help me be humble and teach me lessons that will help me become who I want to be.
I feel blessed to have had such a great week, to help remind me of just how blessed I really am.
10 years ago
Wow, really? I'm really the first to comment? Amazing... I feel blessed. :)
Chels, I love you. I'm so proud of you for your strength and your positive outlook and your wisdom and your ability to press forward. You are an amazing mother, and I'm glad you seem to be having a happy mother's day. Love you!
What a beautiful post! I am so happy for you and the week you have had. I have been so worried about you today, so I am relieved to read this post and know that you are doing great. The power of the atonement can heal not only our hearts and souls, but also our mind, body and spirit. We must place our trust in our Savior and let what He did for us take place in our lives. I am so proud of you for knowing and acting upon this. You are a beautiful mother--kind and understanding. You are patient and loving with Jack--he is a very lucky little boy. Your testimony and commitment to the gospel of our Redeemer will help make both of your lives a wonderful place to me. Thank you so much for your kind words. I love you!
Chelsea, Your such a doll! Jack is so lucky to have you as his Mom..funny you say that my blog is an emotional roller coaster(well westons post) because I feel like thats exactly what i do on yours..one min im laughing and the next Im bawling my eyes out! I love to read your blog, your so positive and you always seem to put a lot of things into prospective for me! I cant wait to do your hair again to catch up..Im glad that you had a good day, you were in my thoughts, and Jack is so lucky to have an amazing mother like you!Happy Mothers Day!
I hope you had a happy Mother's day Chels! And I hope work wasn't anything like it was on Saturday.
I felt bad at first that Jack was going to be out of town for m-day, but then I ended up sending my own kids away to save my sanity. I realized that sometimes it does a soul good to have a little "me" time. I hope you got some "me" time amongst all your working! :)
I am so glad that you were able to have a good day even though Jack was away. I'm glad that it gave you time to reflect and realize that even when life is at it's worst, there are many blessing still to be realized. So glad you had a good week!
Glad you had a wonderful mother's day....
Reading your positive thoughts are uplifting and encouraging to read :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your amazing outlook on life...
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy belated Mother's Day!! Mother's are the greatest and that includes you! I'm seriously glad to hear that you're doing well right now. Keep at it! Can't wait to see you next week!
Hello, I may not be the first to comment but I definately check/worry about you. You are truely amazing to have such a great perspective. I really think it is all the sunshine. Possibly why my outlook is a little sour right now. I can't wait to come spend some more time in the sun with you! Hope this week is just as great!
Blessed! I'm so glad that through all the trials, there is always hope! Always a light at the end of the tunnel someday. Whether we see it in a one good day out of 7 bad days, or even just a small a good moment! I'm so happy you found some peace for the time being. I found this quote which I think is amazing... let me share,
"It is impossible to avoid pain; you must walk through it or it will wait for you around every corner. And it is impossible to numb pain; you must experience it fully to come cleanly out the other side."
Love you! :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts I really enjoyed reading your comments.
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