Thursday, August 29, 2013

First Day Of School

I can't believe the first day of school is really here! Jack was so excited this morning and woke up so early in anticipation of the big day. We made a last minute decision to go to first grade this year instead of Kindergarten, and I really hope its the right thing to do. I wasn't mentally prepared for it, but I think it will help out with a lot of things this year for him and for my work schedule for him to be in school all day. I hope he can handle it! He got dressed on his own, brushed his own teeth and did his own hair, and was ready about an hour before it was even time to go to the bus stop! He didn't hesitate for a moment and jumped right on the bus with his cousins and drove away. I can't believe he's really big enough for school. I'm so excited to see what this next chapter in life has in store for him!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

We've had a fun and busy, busy busy summer!I have been working way too much and feel like I've missed out on a the enjoyable, relaxing part of summer where we play outside and eat Popsicles, but we've managed to have a lot of fun nonetheless.

Jack started the summer off with his first year of teeball.  He loved it and looked forward to each game.  If you know him at all, he's obsessed with sports and actually quite athletic, so it was fun to see his excitement at being part of a team and getting to play each week.
TeeBall June 2013
He's growing up SO much!  He informed me last night that kindergarten starts in 20 days!  Yikes!  I know he's more than ready, but for some reason, I am being overly emotional about him going to school.  Its ridiculous, I realize, but the thought of putting my baby on the school bus with BIG kids and sending him off in the world on his own has me terrified.  He has Mrs. Ure and will go to school in the morning with his 2 other boy cousins his age, even though they are not in the same classes.  I'm so glad these little boys will get to grow up going to school together!
July 2013
I also cried when my baby lost his first tooth!  I need him to stop growing up! Time is just flying by and I feel like he'll be leaving for his mission and college before I know it.  His tooth had been loose for a while, and he tried many tricks to get it out, including tying strings around it and dangling heavy objects from it.  One day, he bit into an uncrustable sandwich that was still a bit frozen and it came really really loose.  Uncle Rick showed up to our house to pick up Luke just at that time, and did the honors of pulling it out.  I caught it on video and its so funny to watch!  As soon as he pulled it out, he examined it and said,  "It's a bloody tooth!"
The tooth fairy ALMOST forgot to come that night because she fell asleep on the couch....luckily she woke up in the middle of the night and got to work. Can you imagine losing your FIRST tooth and feeling the disappointment of being forgotten by the tooth fairy?? 
Shortly afte he lost the first, the one right next to him on the bottom row became a bit loose, as well.  In typical fashion, Grandpa McNeil tugged on it a bit, "just to see how it felt" and yanked it right out to all our surprise!  Now he has an adorble toothless grin that I love to see!
Lost his first tooth!
Jack took singing lessons this summer and loved it.  As part of the singing camp, the children helped participate in the Pioneer Program during the Kamas Valley Fiesta Days, or 24th of July celebration.  They were adorable! 
Pioneer Program, July 2013
Last weekend, we had our annual David DeLoy Bisel Family Reunion at Bench Creek in Woodland.  We camp for 3 days and enjoy playing in the outdoors, swinging in the trees, floating down the canal, lots of yummy food, visiting and playing with cousins, and a reflective look at our family heritage.  Its such a wonderful memory of my childhood to get together and camp with our cousins, and I'm so glad Jack has just as much fun as I did as a child.
Bisel Family Reunion August 2013
We got home from camping on Sunday evening, unloaded the car, washed everything, and reloaded it again to head to Bear Lake for my family's annual summer vacation. We stayed all week and soaked up the sun.  It was soooo relaxing and the perfect way to end our crazy busy summer!  The kids absolutely love playing in the sand and water. Jack even tried WAKEBOARDING this year!!  I couldn't believe he would try it.  I didn't even take my camera out on the boat because I thought he would definitley chicken out....he proved me wrong.  He tried the first time to get up, but got pulled over face first into the water.  After that, I thought for sure that he would call it quits....but Uncle Rick convinced him to try again.  The second time he came out of the water for just long enough to try to stand, and crashed in.  He did decide to stop at that point, but I was SO proud of him for doing it.  However, I couldn't get him to try again the rest of the week....maybe next year!
At one point during the week, we had every family member there, except Uncle Rob.  I feel so blessed to come from such a wonderful family,  whom we enjoy spending so much time with.  We always look forward to our family vacation, and it always ends too soon.
Bear Lake August 2013

We are back to life and reality and found out some exciting news......I got a new job! I have been very fortunate to have my job at St. Marks and have grown a lot in my career there, but I just felt like I was coming to a new stage in life with Jack starting school, where I needed to have a schedule that fits our needs a little better than this one has.  I'm starting a clinic job.....which I never thought in a million years I would want a part of, but the schedule will be perfect for us!  I can't wait and am soo looking forward to it.  I will still be prn in Park City and Heber, and work a few days/week in Salt Lake at the clinic. I have two weeks left at my current job, and I'm sad to leave my coworkers that I've made close friendhsips with.  Its been a great 2 1/2 years, but we are ready for our next adventure!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Easter and Spring Break

Easter was great this year! As usually, I got more excitement out of dying eggs than Jack did. We had a big family dinner and  outdoor egg hunt with all the kids. The weather was amazing.....then it snowed the next day!
I took a couple of much needed days off from work to have fun while Jack had a break from preschool. We went to the aquarium and I was thoroughly impressed! It was so fun. Who knew he was bigger than a penguin?!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Long Time, No Updates

I just realized that this month marks 2 YEARS since we moved from St George back to northern Utah.  I can't believe how quickly time is flying!  It seems like yesterday that we were packing up 2 trailers with all our belongings, and saying goodbye to friends. 
We had a wonderful holiday season and Jack was spoiled rotten by Santa and family.  Its really hard to not spoil your ONLY child, especially when you have very few other people to shop for.  I guess that's the joy of being a parent though, right?!  Right. I thought so.
Jack is growing up SO much and is truly my little buddy. I feel so lucky to have him as my child(despite the times when I'm crying about how to parent him!). He is enjoying this year of preschool and LOVES learning spanish in his class.  His obsession with sports and numbers is at an all time high these days.  I never know if I should be proud of him or concerned about it. I have to check all the local sports scores before I go to bed each night because I know its the FIRST thing he will ask me in the morning.  We went to a Jazz game the other night and he spent the entire game figuring up the scoring differences for each team and each player. He told me the other day that his favorite toy is his calculator.  Um, okay. Got it at the dollar section of Target.  We've also been working so much on reading this year.  He is doing so well and loves it.  I admittedly love hearing him read and find so much pride and joy in listening to him.  I love seeing his mind in action!
Our lives are continuing on as normal. Busy, but normal.  I am still working full-time at St Marks in Salt Lake, and can't wait for the winter to end and to have an easier and safer commute to work.  I honestly feel blessed everyday that my car is still running.  245,000 miles and still running flawlessly. I couldn't ask for anything more.
I am also still working PRN at Park City Med Center.  (that means whenever they ask me).  I take a lot of call there and get to work a few shifts each month.  I really love it and wish they needed me full-time!  Between the two jobs, I stay way more busy than I'd prefer.  I would never be able to do it if I didn't have such a wonderful family that helps me out EVERYDAY!  It is such a great reminder of why we moved back.  There is nothing like having family around.  I am SO grateful to them for everything they do.  We usually sleep over at someones house at least once a week so I can take call and they all welcome us every time.  I am grateful for Jack to grow up with all of his cousins and to have the close influence of his Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles on a daily basis.
Being a single Mom is hard.  Even 3 years later, there are still so many challenges that come up.  I am eternally grateful for the abilities and blessings my Father in Heaven has given me.  I wouldn't be able to survive and keep my head above water without them.  I can't imagine trying to do it without a good job, family, friends and good health. It seems like life takes us on such a roller coaster ride, yet for me the one thing constant is knowing that Heavenly Father knows and, love me and wants me to be happy.  When I keep that in mind, it makes weather the storm much, much easier. 
Here's a few snapshots of the last little while....
ice skating, Jazz game, Christmas presents, donning a headband, and labeling his bathroom door "man" since he is so deprived of using the men's restroom(his over-protective Mom DOES NOT allow him in there alone) in public.