I cheated on Black Friday.
THERE!! I said it.
I didn't mean to. It just happened. I was lonely.
Jack was gone and I thought it would be a good idea to scout out some Christmas presents without him. Then it happened, and before I knew it I had a cart full of goodies, NOT EVEN AT SALE PRICE!!! Isn't that just how it is? We think we're getting something good at the time, when the real prize was right there all along. Black Friday and those AMAZING deals are my real prize. Time to refocus all my efforts and wait patiently for Thanksgiving morning when the sweet aroma of turkey and freshly printed newspaper ads fill the house.
Ahhh, Black Friday!
10 years ago
you're funny. I got a little nervous when I saw the title, j/k! I hope you are doing well, I miss you!
Ah, good story! Amazing the freedom you feel when you don't have to wrestle children along with trying to find the "right" gift! But, oh my, do we love those children for whom we are buying! Love is a funny, happy thing--another blessing for which we are ever so thankful! Can't wait to see you and celebrate this holiday! Lovies...
Cheater cheater pumpkin eater! How dare you... I have been driving myself crazy not to even order stuff online and I DON'T GET TO BF SHOP! Be still my beating heart, I will live through it!
I am so disappointed in you! I'm not sure you are even invited with Allen and I now. You not only cheated on Black Friday, you cheated on us.
Okay, you can come. It wouldn't be too fun to sit in line at wal-mart without someone to talk to!
Waaaaaaaaah! I guess if Billie Jo can survive BF, I can, too. Be prepared...I may have a list for you.
curse you for getting me hook on BF!!!
I have never BF'd before. Whoa! Do you still want to be my friend? I hate the crowds of people. Buuuuuuut I think I'm going to try it out this year. I'm in the mood for some entertainment and good deals too. :o)
For the love of Black Friday!! That reminds me....you were supposed to call me that day and you never did!! How dare you!:)
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