Friday, February 12, 2010

A Day In The Life....

Aah, to have the life of a two-year old.
6:30 AM-wake up!
By 8:00 AM Jack is making Valentine's for his cousins. He is turning into quite the artist. He loves coloring, drawing and painting.

Jack has great "cheese" face for the camera. His natural smile, however, is something we're trying to work on.....arrgh, Matey, seems more appropriate...

11:00 AM: We've finally finished battling over brushing teeth, doing hair, watching Umizoomi vs Dora, and getting dressed and we can head out the door to run errands. Grab some chicken nuggets and fries from Wendy's which leads to the conversation of why this is Wendy's the Restaurant and not Aunt Wendy's house. Big difference. Mail our Valentines, have a humiliating trip to Target which consisists of Jack screaming the entire time because he wants to walk not ride in the cart, me accidentally hitting a persons car with my cart while trying to wrangle my unruly toddler, AND realizing that the person WAS IN HER CAR and witnessed the whole thing. Then, head next door to Michaels. Upon entering, Jack starts screaming because "THIS IS NOT TARGET!!!!" More screams erupt when I pry his kung-fu gripped fingers off of a mylar ballon string, meanwhile the cashier is looking at me with the "this is why I will never have children face." Why do I even bother?

By 2:00 PM, after nap time had failed, we headed out to enjoy the beautiful spring-like weather. His attention wandered from dump trucks to basketball, to the scooter.....

...then following a spider....and smashing it in his fingers....

...and driving the jeep.

By 3:00 PM we were off exploring around our neighborhood. I took the stroller because I knew he would get exhausted eventually. When I asked him if he was tired, he replied, "No Mom, I already taked a nap!"

*please refer to above text for comedic effect on the nap conversation*

Later that day: make some delicious treats for Valentine's Day. While I'm frosting, I turn around to see what Jack is up to and notice small bites out of at least 5 cupcakes. Guess we'll keep those home... Then he builds a cupcake tower, and 4 fall to the floor. The number of cupcakes we're actually giving away keeps dwindling.

7:00 PM and no nap...things are starting to unravel. When all else fails, start coloring again!

Bedtime: Phew! What a day!

Despite the battles and tantrums, and no matter what the activities are, I feel so lucky EVERYDAY to be this boy's Mommy.


The Gunnerson Family said...

Love the new blog! That Jack. He wouldn't be a two year old boy if he didn't act like that. I can picture it all in my mind perfectly. I have had many days just like that. I would like to say that things get easier, but I don't want to set you up for disappointment.

Stevenson Stories said...

Like I always say... he is so cute! And those treats you brought to work were simply amazing(and I am not just saying that). Before you showed up I had decided that I was done eating sugar for the day... but after tasting 1 cake ball thingy I changed my mind. I will blame you for the extra pounds this week :) Thanks for bringing them..they made my daY!

Rebecca and Christy said...

What a fun and exciting day! I love Jack's shirt in the last picture :)

Kourtney said...

What a day! I hope you guys have great valentine's day! We are getting snowed in here!

Billie Jo said...

At least you can go outside and enjoy the weather. We just stay inside and get more irritated and then the girls get grounded! You were way out doing yourself with the Valentine's treats. I love the questions that kid comes up with. When he grows out of this fit throwing stage it just changes into eye rolling and sassing. In the words of Jack my kids "talk to me like that!" Happy Valentine's!

Billie Sue said...

Believe me -- it DOES GET BETTER!!! (eventually), and then they get big and leave home and go away to college and get married and have their own children and then they don't sass anymore (mostly -- some still do a little), but by then you can just smile about the whole thing! I just can't remember tales like this. Either I never went anywhere or I had "perfect angels!" (See how time erases all things?) Great post and very entertaining. We love you anad that Jack boy so much!

Tasia said...

How fun! You are a good mom we didn't do anything fun for the big V-day. It was fun to chat the other day. Hope it was a fun valentines. Jack is adorable.

McNeil Family said...

I was laughing the whole post. You are such a good mommy to do all those fun things with Jack. 8am Valentines? That is one crazy schedule you have! I'm still wishing I was sleeping when you guys are already onto a project. I know exactly how patient you were with him the whole day... I've seen it! I need to take a lesson.

Kristen said...

Oh the joys of a two year old. He is such a cute boy and busy as can be. I got tired just reading your post. How do you have enough energy? And making Valentine Treats. Uh pretty amazing.

Stevenson Stories said...

Umm... love your new background. I need a new one.. need your help. :)

Libby said...

I love when they get to that awkward smiling phase. My kids are all in it, and stuck in it! I can't wait for them to grow out!

The cupcakes were SO delicious If you open a bakery...can I be your first employee?

Brittany said...

What a little stud! That sounds like an exhausting day and it makes me wonder if I will survive a day like that in the future with my little boy.:)

Kati said...

I'm exhausted just reading about your day. I so remember the days when I would look forward to nap time and they refused. Ugh...nothing more frustrating than that one!
But...I think his little pirate smile is adorable...

Giselle Rasheta said...

Chelsea, you are KILLING me with this post. I can't wait to see Jack in action. See you soon!