This week has been good. Not great. But considering everything, I'll take good. I think in large part it is due to some thearpy I've been receiving. Not from a professional; that ended a while ago. Although lately I've considered going again. Call me crazy, but it feels good to have my opinions validated.
The week started off by getting my hair did. That is usually the best form of therapy for me. I wanted to do something different but not too dramatic. I love how it turned out and think I have only been shot a few "is she having a mid-life crisis?" looks.
Tuesday night we had some family arrive to our house. They were honestly the best house guests, and literally vacuumed their way out the door on Friday afternoon. It brought back memories of Aunt Trudy "raking" her shag carpet on her way out the door when we were little kids. Jack had so much fun playing with Addey and Reece, and I loved having Aunt Trudy and Beau around to talk to and do craft projects with. The weather was amazing on Wednesday, and we played outside the entire day. The weird part was that while they were here, things felt normal. Really normal. Too normal. Which has me more concerned about how hard next week will be. I'm pushing those thoughts aside for now.
Also this week I think I consumed at least one entire bag of Cadbury mini eggs and another bag of Reese's eggs. Easter candy is the best invention. Ever. Talk about good therapy.
Wednesday night I went to pack Jack's backpack for daycare. Inside was a plastic bag. Inside said bag was a pair of underwear. From Tuesday. Poopy. Smelly. Crusty. I gagged, then threw up in my mouth. Then, like the cheap person I am, rinsed them out. Then I text everyone who I thought would give me a great response about these unders just so I could have a good laugh. Oddly enough, it became good therapy.
Thursday, Jack got a special delivery on the doorstep. He was ecstatic to open the present and find his very own rolling suitcase for our upcoming Phoenix trip. We are flying there with my Mom and he is so excited to ride on an airplane. He immediately began packing his suitcase, with the help of Reece and Addey. It was packed full of toys and clothes. The next day he added a water bottle. It was pretty darned cute. Aunt Giselle and Grandma could not have been more thoughtful. It was yet another reminder of just how blessed I am to be surrounded by so many thoughtful people right now. Its the best form of therapy I can think of.
I also felt great this week since Jack and his posse of 9, yes, count them NINE stuffed animals slept with me. It was so fun to have a cuddle partner, or nine. In case you're not up to speed on the number of stuffed animals we drag from room to room, they are, in no particular order: Monkey, Blue Doggy, Pink Doggy, Regular Doggy(seriously, the kid calls him regular), Ira, Beary, Wittle Beary, Bunny and Wittle Bunny. Good thing I have a king-sized bed.
All throughout the week I have talked to so many friends and family. Everyone thinks to check in on me. And I love it. Sometimes it may not seem like I enjoy it, but I really do. I cannot imagine how much harder everyday would be if I didn't have little texts and calls from everyone. I have actually been feeling really bad this week because I know lots of other people are going through hard times, yet they still call to check in on me and listen to me crying. Next week, I'm going to try to focus on other people's lives and well-being, and work on less self-pity and victimization. {hopefully that is a word}.
My friend directed me to a blog that is pretty personal to me right now. I started reading it yesterday and couldn't stop. It's really great and adding a lot of perspective to things, which is always good therapy! Read it
here.Which brings me to my last little bit of therapy. Thursday was payday at daycare, and on each invoice his teacher write a little progress note. This week's note said, "Jack is doing better but continues to cry for no apparent reason."
So do I, lady, so do I.
She should try it sometime. I find that its good therapy.